Chemical Brothers – The Test

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TRIP REPORT: Should my physical self feel created from untold millions of minute bubbles?

This song and video is an unabashed love letter to acid. Shocking from a group called the Chemical Brothers, I know! Setting aside opinions (positive or negative) about drugs, we at ELVAD think this is a beautiful song with a spectacular video.

The song is the final track on “Come With Us”, and the Brothers know how to close out an album. It’s the kind of song best enjoyed when you experience it in totality… cranking the volume to eleven, closing your eyes, and letting it ebb and flow around you.

The video highlights the moods of the song perfectly. Floating through the ocean of music to start. Emerging into the dawn. Running frenetically. The shot of the barn falling, timed perfectly to the music, is just wonderful. Returning to the ocean at the close. It’s sort of rare to be praising the cinematography in a music video, but this is just nailed on so many levels.